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Fall photo of Ferrum College campus.

Academic Affairs

Oversees, supports, and advances Ferrum College’s mission to deliver exceptional academic experiences.

Additional Information

Ferrum College Student Internal Complaint System Process

Ferrum College supports the right of students to present complaints, file grievances, and appeal outcomes in an environment free of fear, retaliation, or other adverse consequences. The College has in place standardized procedures for addressing formal complaints made by all students, including graduate students. No matter the origin of the complaint, every care is taken to address concerns about the College, its programs, and processes.


The purpose of the following is to inform students of the general internal complaint system at Ferrum College and to serve as a guide for students who wish to file a complaint about any aspect of Ferrum’s operation, policies, or procedures, or about the actions of any student, visitor, or employee of Ferrum College. Students should also consult the procedures set forth in Special Campus Policies when filing a complaint for sexual harassment or assault or for discrimination or harassment based on a protected characteristic such as race or sexual orientation. Procedures and Guidelines (Please see Student Handbook: )

  1. Complaint forms may be picked up in the Office of Student Life Room 105 Bassett Hall, during normal business hours or requested via an email to Mrs. Vanessa Stone, Completed forms should be returned to Nicole Lenez, dean of students and Title IX coordinator, in Room 105 Bassett Hall, or via email to Forms will be routed to the appropriate person on campus for investigation.
  2. The person handling the complaint should, if possible, see that the situation is addressed and must inform the student in writing (within one month) of the outcome whether or not the complaint is found to be invalid. If the student does not receive a written response from the person handling the complaint within one month from the date of originally filing the completed complaint form, the student may bring the complaint back to the office to which they originally submitted the form.
  3. If a student feels that a response to a complaint is unacceptable or unreasonable, the student may bring the complaint back to the office to which they originally submitted the form. If a student does not receive a response from the administrator in that office within two weeks, the student may then bring the complaint to the provost or another president’s cabinet member.
  4. If a student is dissatisfied with the resolution of a complaint, the student can contact the Campus Conduct Hotline at 1.866.943.5787. The Campus Conduct Hotline is appropriately used if the complaint falls within the following categories: fraud or crime, sexual harassment, discrimination, safety or facility risk issues, security and internet policy abuses, code of conduct violations, workplace hostility, unethical grading practices, fraudulent financial or business practices, a violation of accreditation principles, or any other questionable behavior. Should the complaint still not be addressed satisfactorily, a violation of the SACS Principles of Accreditation may be filed with the SACS Commission on Colleges.
  5. No adverse action will be taken against the student for filing a complaint. Anyone filing a complaint must be prepared to cooperate fully in any subsequent investigation. Failure to cooperate may result in the dismissal of the complaint. Students may be disciplined for willful failure to cooperate.
  6. All documentation regarding a complaint, as well as its disposition, with the exception of harassment and sexual assault, must be securely stored in the office of the dean of students and Title IX coordinator. These records must be maintained for a period of six years from the date of final action. Harassment and sexual assault documentation is to be held in accordance with the guidelines of each policy.
  7. A log that tracks student complaints is kept in the office of the dean of students and Title IX coordinator. The Student Life Office must be immediately notified upon resolution of a complaint and the file forwarded to the office of the dean of students and Title IX Coordinator.
  8. Complaints filed against a student will be handled in accordance with the Student Handbook.

Mediation Process

Experience suggests that many grievances can be satisfactorily resolved through mediation if the institution provides ready access to an appropriate mediation process whose legitimacy is generally acknowledged.

The Process of Mediation

  1. It is understood that, during any process of mediation, there shall be concern for the comfort and safety of all parties involved in the process.
  2. The complainant and the referred may bring with them a member of the faculty, staff, or student body to serve as an advocate at the mediation. No person other than those mentioned above may act as an advocate. Since the College Mediation Process is intended to be an educational experience and not a court of law, neither the College nor a student may bring an attorney as an advisor.

Title IX: Ferrum College students, faculty, staff, appointees, or third parties who believe they have experienced or witnessed Sexual Misconduct that is covered by Title IX Policy may request information or advice, including whether certain conduct may violate the Policy; seek an informal resolution; or file a formal Complaint using the following link: Graduate students are encouraged to share concerns with the Title IX Coordinator but may contact another Responsible Employee of the College who will refer the matter as appropriate.

Filing a Complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Ferrum College works with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to resolve distance learning complaints from students receiving their education under the auspices of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). Students who have been unable to resolve their complaint through the resources provided by Ferrum College can submit a student complaint form to SCHEV.

Filing a Complaint with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Filing a Complaint from Other States

Out-of-state distance learning students who have been unable to resolve their complaint through the resources provided by Ferrum Collegecan submit a student complaint form to the state in which they live.

Filing a Complaint from Other States

Meet the Staff

Headshot of Delia Heck in white top with a necklace and earrings in front of bush on campus.

Delia Heck

Provost and Chief Academic Officer and Director of Institutional Effectiveness
Headshot of Ferrum College staff Jason Powell standing outside on campus

Jason Powell

Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Innovation and Research Officer
Headshot of Eric Vanden Eykel with blue shirt, brown jacket and glasses outside.

Eric Vanden Eykel

Interim Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor of Religion
hailey turner in floral shirt on ferrum bench outside for staff photo

Hailey Turner

Senior Administrative Assistant for the School of Undergraduate Studies
Placeholder photo for Jeffery Blackwell

Jeffery Blackwell

Administrative Assistant

Contact Info

John Wesley Hall
215 Ferrum Mountain Rd.
Ferrum, VA 24088