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Hero for Online Class Offerings

Online Class Offerings

Online Classes Offered Through Ferrum College


Our online courses are offered all year long, including winter and summer. Our classes takes approximately 5 to 7 weeks to complete.

online courses

Spring Session

Class Dates: March 11 – April 26
Last Day to Add a Class: March 13

GER 201Intermediate German I
GER 202Intermediate German II
LAT 201Intermediate Latin I
LAT 202Intermediate Latin II
HHP 200Health and Wellness
HHP 206Introduction to Athletic Injuries
HHP 355Exercise Physiology
MUS 100Music Appreciation
MTH 108Mathematics for Health Sciences
MTH 100; SPG-1Intermediate Algebra
MTH 105; SPG-1Fundamentals of Mathematics
MTH 100; SPG-2Intermediate Algebra
MTH 107; SPG-2Introduction to Finite Mathematics
MTH 111; SPG-2Pre-Calculus I
EDU 501Practitioner Inquiry into the Design Thinking of Curriculum and Instruction
EDU 513Aligning Creativity with Standards and Authentic Assessment
EDU 514Designing Content Area Curriculum for Meaningful Student Learning
EDU 515Designing Content Area Instruction for 21st-Century Learning
EDU 516Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learning Communities
CHM 103General Chemistry I
CHM 104General Chemistry II
BUS 308Business Communications
BUS 303Principles of Management
THA 222Voice & Diction
CSC 102Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting
CSC 345Advanced Networking Configuration and Management
CSC 435Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
CSC 445Digital Forensics and Cybercrime
PSY 210Lifespan
NUR 371Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NUR 471Current, Future, and Transcultural Issues in Nursing
NUR 491Nursing Informatics & Data Management
SPA 101Elementary Spanish I
SPA 202Intermediate Language and Culture II

summer Session 1

Class Dates: May 13 – June 21
Last Day to Add a Class: May 15

BIO 111Introductory Biology II
BIO 254Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BUS 303Principles of Management
BUS 403Human Resources Management
BUS 430Management Information Systems
CHM 103General Chemistry I
CHM 104General Chemistry II
COM 171Multiculturalism In Media
CSC 102Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting
CSC 345Advanced Networking Configuration and Management
EDU 513Aligning Creativity with Standards and Authentic Assessment
ENG 112Composition and Research
ENG 201World Literature I
GER 101Elementary German 1
GER 201Intermediate German 1
HHP 200Health and Wellness
HHP 206Introduction to Athletic Injuries
HHP 348Sports Nutrition
HIS 112World History After 1500
HIS 202American History II
LAT 101Elementary Latin I
LAT 201Intermediate Latin I
MTH 100Intermediate Algebra
MTH 108Mathematics for Health Sciences
MTH 111Pre-Calculus I
MTH 107Introduction to Finite Mathematics
MTH 208Introductory Statistics
MUS 100Music Appreciation
NUR 461Gerontological Nursing
PPH 100Introduction to Professional Health Care
PSC 420War and Peacekeeping: U.S. National Security Policy
Psy 210Lifespan
Psy 320Abnormal Psychology
REL 113Literature of the New Testament
REL 151World Religions
SCI 198Medical Terminology Basics
SOC 307Sociology of Family, Sex and Gender
SPA 101Introduction to Spanish Language & Culture I
SPA 102Introduction to Spanish Language & Culture II
SSC 251Introduction to Social Science Methodology
THA 222Voice & Diction

summer Session 2

Class Dates: June 24 – August 2
Last Day to Add a Class: June 25

BIO 110Introductory Biology I
BIO 255Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BUS 303Principles of Management
BUS 308Business Communications
CHM 105Intro to Organic and Biochemistry
CSC 435Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
CSC 445Digital Forensics and Cybercrime
EDU 514Designing Content Area Curriculum for Meaningful Student Learning
EDU 515Designing Content Area Instruction for 21st-Century Learning
ENG 206American Literature II
GER 102Elementary German II
GER 202Intermediate German II
HHP 200Health and Wellness
HHP 206Introduction to Athletic Injuries
HHP 330Coaching the Athlete
HIS 111World History to 1500
HIS 201American History I
LAT 102Elementary Latin II
LAT 202Intermediate Latin II
MTH 100Intermediate Algebra
MTH 108Mathematics for Health Sciences
MTH 111Pre-Calculus I
MTH 107Introduction to Finite Mathematics
MTH 208Introductory Statistics
MUS 100Music Appreciation
NUR 481Leadership & Management in Nursing
Psy 210Lifespan
PSY 211Child and Adolescent Development
Psy 438Special Topics: Parenting
REL 151World Religions
SOC 101Intro to Sociology
SOC 202Social Problems
SPA 202Social Issues & Hispanic Cultures II

summer Courses for educators

EDU 514Designing Content Area Curriculum for Meaningful Student Learning
EDU 515Designing Content Area Instruction for 21st-Century Learning
HHP 348Sports Nutrition
MUS 426Music for Children
PSY 211Human Growth and Development: Child and Adolescent

Work with your advisor and register for classes through the Course Planning Tool in Self-Service.

Additional Information

Academic accommodations

If you believe you may need academic accommodations during any Acadeum term, as related to a disability and your course, please notify the OAA director.  When possible, notifying OAA before the start date will help with the timeliness of granting the accommodations for your request. Learn more about Academic Accessibility Services.

Students enrolled in a Ferrum College Acadeum class may be eligible for academic accommodations that align with their disability documentation.  If you would like information about academic accommodations, you may contact the director for assistance or to discuss the process.

Requests for accommodations must be made promptly, and are not retroactive in most cases.

If you have questions or concerns regarding accommodations or need academic support, please click here and a representative will respond to you within 48 hours.

Frequently asked questions

How do I register for a course being offered by an Acadeum school?
If you would like to take an online course listed above, log in to ACADEUM with your student email address and use the magnifying glass icon to find the course.  Select the term that suits your needs and click the blue register now button.

How do Ferrum students register for an online course?
Current Ferrum students can register for courses that our own faculty are offering by simply logging into their course planning tool on portal. The courses being offered in the upcoming term are below.  Get advisor approval and register.

How much do classes cost?

Ferrum Undergraduate classes$210 per credit hour + $75 Technology fee
Non-Ferrum Undergraduate classes$210 per credit hour + $100 Technology fee
Ferrum Graduate programs$475 per credit hour + $75 Technology fee
Non-Ferrum Graduate programs$475 per credit hour + $100 Technology fee

Is there financial aid?
Yes, you can apply for financial aid. Click here for more information.

don’t see a class that you need?

Use Acadeum Course Share to register for online college courses. Expand your education options with online equivalent courses.

Work with your academic advisor to find the appropriate class.

Looking for help?

Contact Info