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Hero for Boone Honors program

Boone Honors program

A mock dictionary definition for Boone / Boon. A noun, a president emeritus of Ferrum College, Dr. Jerry Boone, serving from 1987 to 2002. Founder of the Boone Honors Program. a thing that is helpful or beneficial. a benefit, favor, or blessing. a Ferrum College Honor Student. especially: one embodying “Not Self, But Others”. see also: scholar, asset, selfless, leader

What Does it mean to be A Boone Honors student?

Being a Boone Honors Student means you have proven yourself exemplary amongst your peers. You have shown that you possess an intellectual appetite, a diligent work ethic, a curious mind, and a selfless spirit. You are a scholar at heart and a “Boone” to this institution and community.

How will being a “Boone” challenge and support me?

The Boone Honors program encourages you to challenge yourself, to grow, and to see where your gifts can take you. It inspires you to embody the Ferrum College motto, “Not Self, but Others”, to be a leader, role model, and to stand up and stand out.

Members of the program address complex, real-world questions in interdisciplinary honors seminars and learn as a part of a supportive community. They work closely with professors, present research at conferences, enjoy dinners with special campus guests and speakers, and receive recognition during commencement. Moreover, honors students work closely with faculty in their junior and senior years to curate a professional portfolio that supports strong applications for careers or graduate schools.


There are many benefits to being a Boone Honors Student at Ferrum College:

  • General education requirements fulfilled by interdisciplinary seminars
  • Cohort-based learning community
  • Work closely with professors in courses within major or minor
  • Present research at conferences
  • Attend dinners with visiting guest and speakers
  • Participate in special honors social activities and trips
  • Eligible to receive up to $3,000 in travel scholarship for a study-abroad experience

How can I become a boone honors student?

Boone Honors students undergo a competitive and rigorous selection process befitting this distinguished academic community.

Study-Abroad Opportunities

Every student in the program is encouraged to study abroad and is eligible to receive up to $3,000 in travel scholarship funds for this purpose. Many honors students elect to fulfill this requirement during the summer term, although opportunities for semester-long study abroad are also possible. Honors students have studied abroad in England (Oxford), China, South Africa, Austria, Belize, and Honduras, among other locations.

Ferrum College students standing outside behind a structure in Italy.
Boone Honors students sit around a dinner table with two advisors.

Course Rotation

  • Every Fall
    • HON-100 Honors Seminar
  • Every Spring
    • HON-435 Values and Vocation (Required Capstone)
  • Fall, Even Years
    • HON-211 Surrealism In Art, Lit & Film
    • HON-222 Political Psychology
    • HON-232/HIS-307 History of American Crime
    • HON-280/COM-369 Mass Media & Behavior
  • Fall, Odd Years
    • HON-205 Decisions & Problem Solving with Math
    • HON-239/REL-210 American Gods
  • Spring, Even Years
    • HON-210 Reason & the Individual (Lit/His)
    • HON-215 Science and Art (4 credits)
  • Spring, Odd Years
    • HON-216 The Sixties
    • HON-223 Political Satire

Honors Residential Community

All first-year honors students are housed in Roberts Hall, conveniently located at the center of campus, and enjoy unique social activities, trips, and off-campus excursions.

overview of roberts hall behind tree with red and orange leaves

The History of The Program

The Boone Honors Program (BHP) at Ferrum College was developed in 2002 by Dr. David Howell, Williams Endowed Professor of Humanities, Professor of Religion, and Director of Faculty Development. Dr. Howell served as the program’s first director until 2007.

The program is named after Dr. Jerry Boone, who was the president of Ferrum College from 1987 to 2002. You can find nods in honor of the program’s namesake (pictured) in some of the program’s symbolism and graphics i.e. a pair of glasses such as those worn by Dr. Boone.

Directors in the history of the Boone Honors Program include:

  • 2002: Dr. David Howell develops the program
  • 2007–2024: Dr. Lana Whited directs the program
  • 2024: Dr. Dan Murphy is appointed as the third director of the program 

want to learn more?

Contact the Director of the Boone Honors Program Dr. Dan Murphy

Contact Info