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Hero for Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities



One of the most fulfilling ways to experience college life is to participate in student government, campus committees, intercollegiate athletics, or one of the many clubs and organizations offered. All students are urged to get involved and make the most of the opportunities already here. 

Academic Organizations

Agriculture Club & Young Farmers—Open to all students interested in agriculture, this group sponsors events each year, including a number of field trips.

Chemistry Club—An organization of students, faculty, and staff interested in chemical and biological sciences. Although it is not required of Chemistry Club members, the American Chemical Society offers students a discounted student membership rate.

ENACTUS (Entrepreneurship, Action, and Us)—ENACTUS offers students the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through learning, practicing, and teaching the principles of free enterprise. ENACTUS teams teach important concepts through educational outreach projects, including market economics, entrepreneurship, personal and financial success, and business ethics, to better themselves and their communities.

EnviroClub—The EnviroClub promotes a greater understanding and appreciation of environmental science and environmental issues. The organization also promotes volunteer services, environmental awareness and education, and preparatory professional experiences for students in areas related to environmental science.

Health & Human Performance (HHP)—The goal of the Health & Human Performance club is to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members to promote health and fitness knowledge and to conduct club programs and activities to advance general interest in health and physical activity and improve the welfare of the student body and community. 

Minds-N-Medicine—This is the pre-professional health science club of Ferrum College, but it is open to all students. Students get advice in the health science field through tours of graduate programs and guest speakers. Students also host fundraising events and raise awareness for a variety of illnesses through tabling, as well as assist in blood drives with the American Red Cross.

Norton Outdoor Adventures —This is the outdoor connection for students, faculty, and staff, including on-campus guiding service, free equipment rental, and adventure source. Our trips are led by experienced faculty, staff, and student leaders. The programs emphasize safety, learning, and fun. All activities are designed with an educational component to teach the skills and techniques found in the different disciplines that we offer.

Photography Club—Open to all students with an interest in the arts and photography. Activities include on-campus art-related programs and events and off-campus gallery and museum trips.

The Undead Poets Society—The resurrection of the English club. We talk about writing, workshop our own writing, and host events related to writing and art. All people, regardless of whether you write or what you write, are welcome to be part of this club to have some fun and celebrate creativity!

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi (ΑΧ)—National Honor Society for juniors and seniors. Membership by invitation.

Alpha Delta Mu (ΑΔΜ)—National Honor Society for undergraduate social work majors who qualify academically.

Alpha Psi Omega (ΑΨΩ)—National Theatre Honor Society.  

Delta Tau Alpha (ΔΤΑ)—National Honor Society for agricultural majors and minors.  

Kappa Delta Pi (ΚΔΠ)—Alpha Epsilon Phi Chapter—Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education.

Psi Chi (ΨΧ)—National Honor Society for Psychology. Psi Chi offers pre-professional experiences and service opportunities for outstanding students in psychology.

Sigma Tau Delta—International honor society for English.  Established to confer distinction for high achievement in English, language, literature, and writing.  

Greek life

Delta Phi Epsilon (ΔΦΕ)—A national sorority that develops women in social consciousness and a commitment to think and act for the greater good. They ensure continuous development and achievement for women through individual attention and smart strategic growth.

Kappa Alpha Sigma (ΚΑΣ)—Open to all female Ferrum College students. Their goal is to improve themselves, the community, the school, and the student body through educational, recreational, and cultural activities.

Theta Chi Epsilon (ΘXE)—Open to all male students at Ferrum College, the purpose of ΘXE is to promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of its members, to encourage honorable achievements in every field of human endeavor, to inspire service in the public interest through community service, and to unite college men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity.

Leadership and governance

Connection Team Leader—The Connection Leaders is one of the most popular groups on campus. Connection team leaders work together to help new students feel comfortable and at home at Ferrum College.

Ferrum College Activities Board (Student Programming Board)—Your ticket to campus entertainment. This club helps plan, coordinate, and promote events on campus that include dances, movies, comedians, and other special events. Volunteers learn the ins and outs of campus programming and publicity techniques and develop strong leadership and interpersonal skills.

Student Government Association (SGA)—Serves all students at Ferrum College. The purpose of the SGA is to “promote the general welfare of the students; to encourage personal responsibility, loyalty, and a high sense of honor; and to further the principles upon which our College was founded and continues to operate.” 


Black Student Union (BSU)—The mission of the BSU is to aid in the growth and development of the Ferrum College community through a series of culturally, socially, and academically focused programs and events through education relevant to the perspectives of the minority population. Our mission is fulfilled through community service, campus involvement, and professional development, thus allowing our members to overcome challenges and succeed in all facets of life.

Spectrum LGBTQ—Spectrum is an organization dedicated to informing the campus community about LGBTQ+ information and issues, spreading visibility, promoting acceptance, and creating a community for queer and genderqueer students at Ferrum College and across Franklin County.

performing arts

At Ferrum College, the performing arts include theater, the Jack Tale Players, the Panther Singers choir, Orchestra Appalachia, band, and ensembles, as well as individual performances. Many performance opportunities are course-based, while others are voluntary or both, such as the Jack Tale Players, Orchestra Appalachia, and Monday Night Jam at the Blue Ridge Institute and Museum.

publications and media

Chrysalis—A literary and graphic arts magazine produced by students using desktop publishing programs, including PageMaker and Photoshop. Chrysalis sponsors monthly coffee houses for students, faculty, and staff to perform poetry and music. If you enjoy creating poetry, short stories, photography, or artwork, then this is for you.

Ferrum Radio—This webcast broadcasts daily from its Media Center studio and is managed and staffed by students. Training is available for new personnel.

Iron Blade Newspaper—The student-run newspaper gives students practical experience in all aspects of newspaper journalism, including digital photography and desktop publishing.


Ferrum College Lions Branch Club—The Ferrum College Lions Branch Club is sponsored by the Ferrum Lions Club, which is part of Lions International, one of the largest service organizations in the world. All Ferrum College students interested in serving the world through service are welcome. The Lions Club International mission statement is, “To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community and international cooperation.”

Help Save the Next Girl—A special nonprofit organization formed in honor of Morgan Dana Harrington, a 20-year-old Virginia Tech student who was abducted and murdered in 2009.  We seek to sensitize young women and girls to predatory danger. Help Save the Next Girl continually develops vital relationships with media and law enforcement and provides outreach support to victims’ families.

Rotaract—Provides an opportunity for young men and women to enhance their knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, address the physical and social needs of their communities, and promote better relations among all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

special interest organizations

Ferrum College Board Gaming Club—Ferrum College is home to a diverse, inquisitive group of students, exactly the kind of folks who would most benefit from an encounter with the modern board game boom. The board game industry is in the midst of a “golden age” unlike anything seen before—we are not talking about Monopoly and Scrabble, but exciting new games with amazing themes, artwork, play mechanics, and social interactions.

Ferrum College Gaming Club—The Ferrum College Gaming Club will strive to bring both a social and competitive gaming environment to Ferrum College.  We will strive to teach both teamwork and sportsmanship through social and competitive gaming both on campus and outside Ferrum College grounds.

Ferrum Dance Team—Our goal is to help elevate school pride through dance at athletic events and other social events on and off campus.  Open to all students.