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Titmus Agricultural Center Ranked Among the Best College Farms

Titmus Agricultural CenterThe Ferrum College Titmus Agricultural Center is garnering national attention, ranking among the best college farms in the United States. In December, U. S. College Ranker placed the Titmus Center #8 on its 40 Best College Farms list. More recently, the Center was ranked #20 on the College Rank 35 Best College Farms list.

The Titmus Agricultural Center provides opportunities for student projects with livestock and the Farm to Cafe Program, which markets college-grown produce to the campus dining hall. Students have been active participants in the construction and management of the farm, gardens, and greenhouses. In addition, faculty routinely take students to local, state, and regional farms, botanical gardens, nurseries, and orchards to give them firsthand experience with current agricultural practices and issues in the field.

About the Ferrum College Agriculture Program

Ferrum College is the only private college in Virginia that offers a four-year degree in Agricultural Science and teacher licensure in vocational agriculture. A diversified four-year curriculum stresses the theory, art, and practice of agriculture while also emphasizing the intimate intersections with sustainability. Within this framework, students consider the environmental, economic, and social ramifications of agricultural practices in an increasingly resource-strained world. Email for more information.

Program Emphasis Areas

The four program emphasis areas of Animal Science, Agribusiness, Agronomy, and Horticulture allow students to focus their study. Agricultural teaching is, by nature, a hands-on endeavor. This philosophy is embodied in labs, class exercises, practica, internships, and independent research. These diverse delivery methods allow students to apply theory in a practical, real-world setting. This broad preparatory approach is underscored by a comprehensive liberal arts base to prepare graduates for a wide range of career opportunities. Students interested in a career in primary or secondary school teaching may study Animal Science or Horticulture and minor in Teacher Education.