Purpose of the IRE
- Provide timely and accurate research, analysis, and consultation necessary for planning and decision making to improve the institution
- Respond to requests made by external accrediting bodies and organizations, including federal and state agencies and higher education organizations
- Support Ferrum College’s mission through careful selection of methodologies to enhance strategic decisions for institutional effectiveness
Inquiries should be directed to:
Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Documents/ Surveys
CDS: Common Data Set
The Common Data Set (CDS) contains institutional data that is typically requested by survey providers such as Peterson’s and U.S. News & World Report. In an effort to minimize the labor to provide the same information to various surveys, the community of higher education created the Common Data Set Initiative.
2020–2021 PDF
2021–2022 PDF
Clery Act Information
The Campus Crime Statistics Report is completed annually in October in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Clery Act is a federal law that requires institutions to provide campus crime data that occurs on and/or around their campuses. This act, established in 1990, is in response to the assault and murder of Jeanne Clery on April 5, 1986, in her residence hall.
The College maintains records of criminal activity in accordance with definitions used in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system. Statistics (available at the Ferrum College Police Department Office) represent incidents that took place on campus, in noncampus buildings or on noncampus property, on public property frequently used, and in dorms or residential facilities for students, and incidents where activities were recognized by Ferrum College. The Campus Police Department monitors and records data from its campus logs, Franklin County Sheriff’s office, federal agencies, state agencies, other jurisdictions, and data from other campus and community security authorities (logs available at the Ferrum College Police Department Office; the Annual Security Report is available for PDF download in a web version or a print version).
Campus Crime Statistics Report (Clery)
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) Survey
The EADA survey, which is required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, is completed annually in October, reporting for the previous year. Per EADA guidelines, this is updated prior to December 31. The purpose of the survey is to provide data regarding the institution’s intercollegiate athletic programs demonstrating that Ferrum College provides equitable athletic opportunities for men and women. For further information on the EADA Survey results, please follow this:
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA Survey)
IPEDS Data Feedback Report
IPEDS annually provides institutions summary reports in spring term of their IPEDS Survey responses combined with IPEDS-determined PEERS. Below are the five most recent years of these Feedback Reports.
2020 – 2021
2021 – 2022
Faculty and Staff
For faculty and staff, further data can be found on the IR Intranet. Login will be required. Email ir@ferrum.edu for access.
Links and Resources
SCHEV College Profile
HB886 Compliance
HB (House Bill) 886 was adopted during the regular sessions of the General Assembly in 2014. The bill requires SCHEV to disseminate to each public high school and each institution of higher education in the commonwealth for which the council has student-level data a link on its website to certain published postsecondary education and employment data. Further, it requires each institution of higher education to provide the link and each local school board to provide annual notice on its website to each enrolled high school student and their parents about the availability of such data.
Students and prospective students may find the information resources of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) of use in planning for college and careers. SCHEV has created an institutional profile for each Virginia public college and university, and for each independent college or university participating in the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program.
Our profile is available at http://research.schev.edu/iprofile.asp?UID=232089.