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student using power tool to chop down trees while other student is watching
Bachelor's Degree

Recreation Leadership Major

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Recreation Leadership Minor Sample Courses

Foundations of Recreation and Leisure

A study of recreation and leisure philosophies, concepts, and theories. Familiarizes the student with the various leisure service agencies and looks at the history and development of recreation and leisure as a profession.

Recreation Administration

Reviews the nature and meaning of recreation administration, particularly as it relates to public recreation agencies. Areas of concentration include management, organization, board and executive relations, personnel practices, fee structures, and office management.

Adventure Education

This course utilizes an experiential approach to developing concepts and skills needed for successful delivery of adventure recreation programs. Through participation in adventure-based activities, students will apply principles of group dynamics, facilitation, and leadership.

Meet the Faculty

Dan Caston

Associate Professor of Recreation Leadership and Program Coordinator of Recreation Leadership

Aaron Conover

Director of Norton Outdoor Adventures and Instructor of Ecotourism and Recreation Leadership