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Bachelor's Degree

Medical Sciences Major

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Why Study Medical Sciences?

The Ferrum College medical sciences major is designed to provide students with interdisciplinary coursework, thoughtfully planned experiences, and personal advising to prepare them for successful application and acceptance to graduate programs such as Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Doctor of Optometry, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Pathology, Doctor of Pharmacy, and others. Students in the medical sciences major will enjoy coursework in the basic sciences, psychology, ethics, professional preparation, and statistics in conjunction with additional courses tailored to requirements for application to specific graduate programs in medical sciences.

Medical Sciences Sample Courses


An examination of the theoretical foundations of moral decision-making and their application to contemporary moral problems. Participants deal with consequentialist and nonconsequentialist ethical systems, natural law, the question of moral responsibility, ethical egoism, and ethical relativism.

professional preparation

An experiential introduction to the variety of health science professions (such as nursing/nurse practitioner, physical therapy, physician assistant, clinical laboratory science, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, veterinary technology, health science research, medical technology, nuclear medicine, podiatric medicine, chiropractic medicine, and medical imaging), reviewing the interplay among the various professions in the health care system.

general psychology

An introduction to the basic concepts, methods, theories, and applications of psychology.