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Bachelor's Degree

Digital Journalism and Media Major

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Why Study Digital Journalism and Media at Ferrum College?

Journalism is where storytellers of all kinds can find their voices by using them first. This hands-on philosophy of learn-by-doing fits the Ferrum College idea of experiential learning. The Journalism program allows students to gain hands-on, career-ready experience in both online and print mediums while also developing skills in writing and reporting, editing, photography, layout and design, video production, and website maintenance.

Ferrum College students working on the student newspaper The Iron Blade


Come to Ferrum and explore journalism; you will discover the difference you can make in the world as a documenter of our times!

David “Chopper” Campbell

Why Study Digital Journalism and Media at Ferrum College?

Beyond the Classroom

Every journalism class at Ferrum College moves beyond the theory of the classroom into practical application of the material. Every class is hands-on and helps prepare a student with a myriad of skills to engage in a variety of careers. In Ferrum Journalism, we learn by doing.

From day one, students are afforded the opportunity to publish their work in both the college publication The Iron Blade and personal blog sites.

Digital Journalism and Media Sample Courses

Introduction to news writing and reporting

With an emphasis on creating a concise, “tight” news article, this course teaches the fundamentals of news writing combined with transmitting factual and accurate information in a stylized methodology.

media law and ethics

Survey of general principles of legal and ethical issues that arise in the mass media. Legal issues include libel, intellectual property, obscenity, censorship, and access to public records and meetings.

feature writing and production

This course provides extensive practice in writing and designing feature stories for various media and includes study of the basic elements of publication production, including headline writing and design, proofreading, page makeup, graphic design, and printing processes.

Careers in Digital Journalism and Media


Planned, coordinated, and revised material for publications in books, newspapers, periodicals, or websites. Editors offer comments to improve the product and suggest titles and headlines.

Public Relations Manager

Helps clarify the organization’s point of view to its main audience through media releases and interviews. They monitor and recommend ways to enhance the organization’s image.

Social Media Manager

Responsible for overseeing a company’s interactions with the public by implementing social media platforms’ content strategies. Analyzes engagement data, identifies trends in customer interactions, and plans digital campaigns to build community online.

Ferrum College Catalog

View the catalog for all program courses and degree requirements.

Meet the Faculty

David Campbell

Assistant Professor of English and Journalism