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Karl Roeper

Associate Professor of Media & Communication
Program Coordinator of Media & Communication

Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Karl Roeper, PhD, is the founding program coordinator of the Media and Communication program at Ferrum College. He has taught nearly all of the courses in this program, but as it has grown, Dr. Roeper focuses more on teaching the production courses (audio, video, and scriptwriting). His research interests are cognitive media effects and their impact on society, as well as the development of instructional technology. His latest presentation was made March 7th 2020 at the AEJMC mid-winter conference, held at the University of Oklahoma’s Gayolrd College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Dr. Roeper shared his findings from analysis of two large data-sets, collected by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago (NORC) and Pew’s Research Center for People and the Press. He sought evidence of whether or not our media consumption may be cultivating some of our attitudes, behaviors, and cognitive habits.

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Karl Roeper
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Media & Communication